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现在, FAST(免费广告支持流媒体电视) has arguably moved past the “landgrab for distribution” phase and matured well beyond its initial preponderance of legacy content, 独立流媒体在FAST上的投资值得吗? 高管们从 裂纹连通, Tastemade, DangerTV-所有的成员 独立流媒体联盟(ISA)—discuss the challenges overcome and the challenges ahead in this discussion with 流媒体变得容易’s 马里昂Ranchet 在纽约流媒体.

回顾十多年前FAST的早期, Ranchet讲话, “感觉最初几年主要是数字原生代, “社会优先的公司”就像ISA聚集的成员一样. “你有观众,这是一个支持的生态系统. 你们是先行者."

对于在这样一个新的生态系统中竞争的独立流媒体来说, 就像任何早期采用者开拓一个相对开放的空间一样, 她还在继续, “这有好处也有坏处. 就像你说的,这是一种爱的劳动,但你在游戏中占有一席之地. 快进到2024年. It feels harder and harder to get in to get a spot on all of those platforms. So are you happy you started out early and what does that look like today?"

Addressing a group that made big bets on FAST, Ranchet asks, "Did you win your bet?"


蒂姆器皿, 裂纹连通广告销售执行副总裁--one of the longest-standing contenders in the FAST space--says Crackle remains "incredibly excited at the opportunity. 这并非没有挑战和障碍, 但先发优势可以追溯到2011年左右的发射 当时索尼从Grouper手中收购了它. 我在销售电话中开玩笑说噼啪是不吃的, 我们可能早了8年, 但我们确实是和Netflix同时推出的.十三年过去了, 他说, “我们继续获得——找不到更好的术语——预约收视率, but we have legacy brands that give us the opportunity to generate maximum viewership."

“我很高兴我们做到了,”他说 DangerTV创始人兼首席执行官Javier Saralegui说, though he quickly qualifies that as he recalls the challenges DangerTV faced early on as a non-creator of original content. “这非常困难. 这并不是说,‘哦,让我们看看’或者‘嘿,这很酷. 让我们去.我们汇总内容. 当你在2017年问别人, 2018年,他们的内容是免费的,作为回报, 他们得到了收益分成, 你最好是个不错的销售员. 当时他们对此并不高兴. They were used to getting paid licensees from the cable operators or the cable channels."

但无论好坏, 在那些日子, content owners' expectations of licensing content to upstart AVOD/FAST aggregators for a share of revenue were relatively low. “对我们来说,这是一些来自英国的制作公司. 他们说,‘他是个好人. 我们给他看些节目吧.' Then a couple of months later, you come back to 'em with a $10,000 check. 他们甚至不认为你会回来. 在这一点上,他们卷起袖子说,'你可以接受它.所以这是一种势头. If you've got our model where we're rev sharing and you can bring something back to your partner, 这样就简单多了."


Fast-forwarding to today's more established but vastly more crowded FAST ecosystem, Saralegui说, “分销已经变成了一头野兽. 很难上车, you just have to be very creative in terms of the type of content that you go after, 你想要接触到的那种人. We're minority-owned, but it wasn't like we ever said, 'We are going to program for minorities.'"

有时, 他说, 一个中央电视台频道的使命与其说是被选择的,不如说是被强加的, 相应地,分销策略也就形成了. “突然之间,他回忆道, YouTube和三星电视Plus在两个不同的场合出现在我们面前. 他们说,‘你们达到了52%的黑人和西班牙裔.’然后我们就想,‘哇.所以我们是少数人所有的, 我们接触到的黑人和西班牙裔人口比例过高, 突然间,我的想法是, “我们所需要的只是一个使命.' And our mission is to find content and or create it that is representative of the viewership that we're receiving. 对我们来说,是冒险和肾上腺素. 里面几乎没有人或西班牙人. 你只是看不到而已. 所以你开始寻找它, 突然之间, the mission brings in energy unto its own combined with the checks that you're starting to make, then all of a sudden the distribution platforms start paying a little bit more attention to you. 这就是我们之间的关系."

“所以一开始你要有勇气去对别人说, 'This model where you get an MG [minimum guarantee] and there's no risk for you.“然后你发现了你不公平的优势,对吗? 找到你的利基, 你的车道, (允许你)带来别人做不到的东西,兰切特说。.

“直到有人说,我才知道‘lane’这个词是什么意思, “你发明了这条全新的车道,’”萨拉莱吉打趣道. “我当时想,‘我接受了.'"


Speaking for Tastemade, a creator of global lifestyle, travel, culinary shows, 通用流媒体Evan Bregman 谈到该公司对FAST的投入,他说:“赌注肯定得到了回报. 流媒体是我们公司目前发展最快的部分. Tastemade entered into this maybe a little bit differently than some of the other folks here because certainly at the beginning, 频道里的节目完全归Tastemade所有. 从一开始, Tastemade has had a vision of a brand that was very specifically trying to cater to a young, 关注这类内容的不同受众, 但在其他地方都找不到."

这并不是说生活方式节目是一个广阔的领域, 没有其他车辆或大型卡车. "There's a very obvious 'big other' for us in the lifestyle networks [space] at 华纳兄弟. 发现. 今天,我认为我们正处于这个大型生态系统发展的第二阶段. 第一阶段当然是, 如你所说, 土地分配, being able to get that broad reach and get deals where Tastemade was able to hold on to at least a piece of the inventory in most of those cases has been key to setting us up to make originals for this space, 授权和传统的预付授权交易, 来自世界各地的内容, 并在今天推出其他频道."

但是在一个 快速发展的快速世界 requires anything but a static strategy for continued growth for an independent streamer like Tastemade, 师说. “让我们走到这一步的东西不会让我们走到那一步. 如你所说, the glut of new competition entering the world means that we're now competing a lot on brand, where someone comes to the lifestyle section of the guide and they're choosing between America's Test Kitchen and Bon Appetits and many other great brands that have been around for a really long time, 和Tastemade, 它已经很久没有出现了. And you see a lot of the new channels that are being picked up by the various distributors, 通常, 您能识别频道或库吗, 谁都能从沙发上认出他们. And so that fundamentally changes how we're going to continue to peak going forward."



Join us in August 2024 for more thought leadership, actionable insights, lively debate at 流媒体连接.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


As more premium content studios start taking FAST(免费广告支持流媒体电视) seriously, 频道的数量也在持续增长, how can independent streamers compete with their more limited budgets and content offerings? 它不仅仅是寻找和专注于一个利基市场吗? 独立流媒体联盟联合创始人弗洛里斯·鲍尔来自火药公司 & Sky and 蒂姆器皿 from 裂纹连通 discuss both their individual and collective strategies for surviving, 蓬勃发展的, monetizing with 流媒体变得容易's 马里昂Ranchet in this clip from 纽约流媒体.


说到免费流媒体,美国.S. growth has been fueled by pure players like Pluto TV and Tubi and connected TV platforms like Roku and Samsung looking to feed cord-shavers and cord-cutters in need of a linear viewing experience. These companies have had a head start and a clear path to test and learn for years. 然而, 在过去的18个月里, pay TV players have decided that they too have a role to play in free streaming.

SMNYC 2024: Tastemade's Evan Bregman Talks Independent Streaming Alliance and Standardizing Measurement

在纽约流媒体, Tim Siglin interviews Evan Bregman of Tastemade and the 独立流媒体联盟(ISA) about the fast growth of Tastemade's streaming service and the ISA's aims to overcome hurdles in the streaming industry through collaboration and standardizing measurement in a fragmented ecosystem.


2024年是最终选举年. 包括美国在内,共有91个国家加入了该组织.S.,美国.K.美国、印度和27个欧盟国家将举行选举. 在这种情况下, it's no surprise to witness platforms and news outlets finessing their FAST channel strategy. 在这方面,BBC新闻快速频道的推出恰逢其时. BBC新闻现在可以在Pluto TV等平台上作为FAST频道收看, 三星电视Plus, Xumo玩, VIZIO, 和更多的.

欢迎来到FAST Times

2023 got everyone on the same page: FAST should be part of the me­dia mix whether you are a content provider, 一个电视台, 或者一个分销平台.